Zumba incredible week 1

I recently had surgery and was under the influence of pain killers and watched infomercials at 2A.M.  That’s a bad combo for anyone that may have a shopping problem. Anyways, I ended up purchasing the Zumba set with the step. I really didn’t  know if I had or hadn’t ordered it until it came in the mail, oops. 

The package came with several DVD’s, a recipe book, program guide that explains the DVD’s plus includes workout schedules, and the step. The step is actually the perfect size in my opinion. Big enough to be functional and not worry about my big feet being too big for it and small enough to hide under or behind your furniture or even in your closet. For now I’m keeping mine in the box it came in, behind my couch. Only to keep my boys from playing on it. It’s bright green so it looks like a toy to them. 

First off, I should state that The only Zumba I have ever tried was the game on my wii. I’ve never been to a class, for fear of being “that white girl over there” and I’ve never done any of the ones that are on YouTube. I started the Zumba max weight loss program on Monday. I’m only doing the suggested programs (DVD’s), not along with the diet plan in the recipe book.  With this plan you workout 6 days and rest on Sunday or the 7th day. You end up working out to all of the DVD’s by the end of the week. 

I thought this program was so fun. I have no dance background and found that I could do most of the moves throughout the week. If the DVD had a how-to, I did it and it was helpful.  I can honestly say, I don’t think I’ve sweat that much doing any other workout before, not even with Jillian Michael’s.  

The ab workout is amazing!!! It’s a mix of dancing and working out with a chair. You never have to lay on the floor for crouches. I didn’t think it was really doing  much until several hours later. All of my muscles were sore for two days, but it’s that good  sore that lets you know you are doing something right!

So far,  just finishing up with the first week, I can feel soreness in my legs and waist but not bad. I’ve also lost two pounds. As far as measurements go, I’ll do those on Monday since I did the initial measurements that day. I’m very happy with the program because it’s is fun and over before you know it. And since I’m not a dancer, I look forward to the progress I hope that I can make in learning all the moves correctly which I guess is part of my motivation to continue with the program.