Jackson 10months!!


 I fall in love a little bit more every minute of every day with this little man.  Each time he looks up at me and smiles it just melts my heart. Pretty soon he will be walking! As long as he can get his little fingers around anything, he will use it to pull up. Nothing is safe in this house anymore. All of my wine bottles from the rack have been moved to the counter since he thinks they are some sort of bat to swing! There have also been a few Legos thrown away due to big brother not putting them away. With a finger sweep of the mouth I was able to save Lego batman legs and an arm. The rest is still M.I.A.   He is getting his exercise in for sure. He walkes along the furniture making it down one couch, rounding the corner with the help of his baby Einstein jumparoo, down the length of the other couch reaching the entertainment center and usually standing there bouncing up and down staring at the television. Just like big brother, he loves anything with music and can’t contain himself when he hears a beat! It’s absolutely adorable when they both start dancing together. 

He had his follow up appointment earlier this week with ENT concerning his lip tie procedure that was done when he was a week old. Unfortunately it looks as though it grew back with some scar tissue and needs a revision which now requires surgery. I’m not gonna lie, it breaks my heart that he’s going to be having surgery at such a young age but at least this way he is going to be too young to remember any of it. 

My growing boy is now twenty pounds. As much as I love to see a chunky baby, neither of my boys have been anywhere near it. Jackson has some thick little legs but there’s no jelly rolls. I’m guessing he’s alittle on the taller side because everyone is always commenting on how long he appears. He’s wearing 12 month clothing already which is another indicator that he might be tall. Maybe that’s why this poor kid eats all day long. I tell everyone he’s just like a puppy. If you put food in front of him he will just keep eating, I’m not sure where he’s putting it and I’m betting this is something I’ll be asking myself as long as he’s living in my house.  We have yet to find food that this little man will turn down other than store bought baby food. He’s been eating whatever we eat for dinner. With his four teeth on top and the two on the bottom, he has no problem chewing up his food or your finger if he gets close enough. 

It’s almost time for a bigger car seat. We’ve spent a lot of time in the car this past week and I’ve noticed that he seems to be very uncomfortable in his current seat. The straps have been on the highest rise for several months now but now it’s not high enough. I also noticed a red mark in his neck from the straps. I’ve been patiently waiting for this moment when I no longer have to carry a heavy baby in an already heavy and bulky car seat! Now more infant car seat!!! Yay!!!!

For the past couple of months I’ve been working on signing with Jackson. I’m so worried about him having a speech delay (unlikely) like Walter that I’m trying my best to keep on top of things. I’ve only been working on more and eat but just this past week he has used the sign for more three times. Knowing what I do this time around, I don’t see him having any speech problems. So far his vocabulary is only baba, mama, dada, and do. All which are on track for normal. 

As sad as it is seeing him grow up, knowing he’s my last baby, I love seeing him transform into his own little self.  Oh, and that hair! He’s already needing a third haircut!